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Take Our Quiz
How much help do you need with everyday tasks like getting dressed, bathing, or grooming?
Do you need any support with managing your medications or health treatments?
Are there any specific tasks related to personal care that you find challenging?
Are you currently receiving any medical treatments or therapy for health conditions or disabilities?
Do you have any long-term health conditions that require ongoing care or management?
Are there any health-related tasks or appointments you find difficult to manage on your own?
How often do you get involved in social activities or go out with friends?
Do you ever feel isolated or find it hard to connect with others socially?
Are there any hobbies or interests you'd like to pursue but feel you need support with?
Are you currently working or studying?
Do you feel you need help finding work or managing your studies?
Are there any specific career or educational goals you're working towards?
Do you sometimes need assistance getting to appointments or running errands?
Are you able to travel independently by public transport or drive yourself?
Do you face any barriers when it comes to getting around in your community?
Are there any devices or equipment you use to help with tasks like moving around or communicating?
Have you received training or support to use assistive technology?
Are there any specific devices or tools you'd like to learn more about?
Do you need any support with where you live or how you manage your home?
Do you live alone, with family, or with caregivers?
Are there any aspects of your living situation that you'd like to change or improve?
Are there times when you need help managing your emotions or behavior?
Have you ever received support or counseling to help with these challenges?
Are there any specific strategies or techniques you'd like to learn to help you cope better?
Do the people who help care for you sometimes need a break?
Have you ever had a short break from your usual care routine?
Do you feel your caregivers have enough support themselves?
Do you feel you need support that respects your cultural background or language?
Do you find it easy to communicate with service providers in your preferred language?
Are there any cultural traditions or customs important to you that you'd like support to maintain?
Are there any legal matters or financial issues you need help with?
Have you ever received advice or assistance with these matters?
Are you aware of any financial support or benefits you might be entitled to?
Do your family members or caregivers sometimes need support themselves?
Are they fully aware of your needs and how best to support you?
Do you feel you have enough support from your family or caregivers?
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